Jul 3, 2011

America The Beautiful -- Ray Charles

Indeed, God graces the whole Universe. Is there not beauty everywhere? I've seen the mountains of Salzburg and a rainbow across the Caribbean Sea. With that said, I post this song because RAY CHARLES ignores ideology and politics, and he stakes claim to his birthright: to love America and call it his home. The song really gets to me. But, it's Ray Charles! Growing up in our household, Ray ruled the hi-fi!


Butterfly said...

I love this version and only this one. No one does it justice like Ray Charles, the man...

K.W.B. said...

Ray rules and did in our house growing up too 365 days every year! Thanks you guys.

Helga said...

I share your sentiments Avis! Thanks for this!

Sis... said...

t's like an anthem for Black folks, like Stevie Wonder's Happy Birthday. I'm gettin grandmotherly here and this is one of those songs that I want my grandchild to hear a lot. Ray and Michael Jackson will always be in my household. There are many greats, but these are my favorites. Oh yeah, and Mahalia Jackson...