Aug 23, 2011

The Earth Quaked

Vulnerable. The Earth moving beneath you. Slipping out from under you. Like that dream when you're falling, falling. What is there to hold onto?
Was in the school library during my planning period. Thought someone was rolling a big dolly of new tech equipment (wishful thinking) down the hallway. Having never had the floor or walls move like that in the 6-1/2 years I've been at this relatively new school, I shifted my thinking: this is ... oh no ... is it... are we having ... definitely.
Stayed in my chair, looked up to see what was over my head, grabbed onto the table, and held on. Students in classrooms began to yell. A book display fell over, just missing a male teacher who ran across the room like a scared little girl.
I was cool. The librarian and I wondered if school would be closed tomorrow, maybe the next day, a couple of weeks?
I called the folks to make sure all was well. It was. My father tells a funny story. My mother was in her car after visiting my uncle at the hospital. She didn't feel a thing. She's disappointed she missed it.
Back at school, evacuation! Outside in the sun and heat for two hours waiting for parents, busses. Bonded with my colleagues.
All is well. God is eternally good.


Karen said...

I was "working from home" today and actually WORKING when the quake started. I thought it was a big truck on the road at first and walked up the stairs thinking "maybe it's a really big plane flying low." Then it hit me that it was a a quake. I remembered when my daughter went out to school in Berkeley and called me after her first quake. I asked her "how did you know what it was?" She said, "you can tell." Well now I know that is the truth.

Benay said...

With my class of 3 students standing at board demonstrating something. Entire classroom starts shaking. Realize whole school is shaking. 1 student runs and grabs my arm. Other 2 get this scared look in their eyes. I see hanging TV swaying back and forth. Kids are saying it's an earthquake. I knew it was definitely an earthquake, but the mommy/teacher in me has to say me, "Oh it's just a little tremor." I was so afraid it was going to get worse.

Anonymous said...

Glad you're safe

KM Butler said...

Thought a train had jumped the track and was coming into my house, my husband thought it was a plane, I think my heart is still in my throat. I also think churches will see record attendance on Sunday !!!!!

Ronald R. Hanna said...

I think my cat Chicken knew something "different" was to occur. He sat on the walkway, away from his usual perch on the porch, and looked to me as if I were a fool.